Solar energy brings long-lasting benefits to your business, environment, and the local community. By taking advantage of the LADWP Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Program, your roof can make you money.
By hosting solar on your unused roof, you are making money starting day one. Pivot compensates you with lease payments to host solar on your roof.
Partnering with Pivot is easy. If you qualify, you can lock in payments for 20 years, which can range between $5K-50K. Additionally, you are contributing to clean energy.
Pivot offers simple to understand roof lease options. There is no sales cycle, no obligation to maintain the solar array, and you begin to make money as soon as it is installed.
Known in the industry as a feed-in tariff, the LADWP FiT program allows Pivot to pay you a guaranteed, fixed income for up to 20 years for eligible projects interconnected into LADWP service territory.
By leasing your unused roof space, you can create an additional revenue stream and offset the operational costs of your building. The best candidates for the FiT program have a large, unshaded roof with very few obstacles, like HVAC units that could create shading on the array.
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